Week 8: Final Week

Final Assessment

Submit by 5pm EDT, Wednesday, July 24

Please complete the final program assessment so we can discuss it on our last day.

Reflective Post #3

Post by 4:30pm EDT, Friday, July 26

This is a collaborative post, meaning only one member of the cohort has to post it.

Read “Manifesto for Student-Driven Research and Learning” in People, Practice, Power: Digital Humanities Outside the Center and “Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0.” Using a collaborative document, craft your own manifesto starting from the question posed at the beginning of the first reading:

How do we train, support, and embolden the next generation of digital humanists?

What values, tools, and methods do you think help best answer this question?

Monday, July 22

9:15am–9:45am EDT: Monday Check-In

10am-Noon EDT: “A DH Project is Never Finished, Merely Abandoned”

Nothing on the Internet lasts forever, and projects must come to an end. What’s next for your project? Do you have further plans for the project, going to blank the site, or will it be “merely abandoned” and left to the ravages of technology changes on the Internet? We will discuss issues of the longevity of DH projects, as well as the challenges of digital preservation. This session will also include time for you to submit your final project links to The Cupola.

Before the workshop:

Tuesday, July 23

1:30pm-2:30pm: DHF x Alumni

We will Zoom in with past fellows!

Wednesday, July 24

Noon-1pm: Lunch discussion #3

Each member of the DHF cohort will pick a reading and provide a conversation starter to begin the conversation.

Thursday, July 25

10am-11am EDT: Presentation Prep

We can use this hour to discuss the presentation, walk through any issues, or just answer questions.

2:30pm-4pm EDT: Final Presentations (Pennsylvania Hall Lyceum and Zoom)

Final project presentation guidelines

Please arrive at the Lyceum by 2pm EDT to setup and test. You may share the link to register with anyone you choose!

Friday, July 26

10–11:30am EDT: Final Group Check-In and writing thank you notes

Noon-1:30pm EDT: Celebratory lunch!

