Week 7: Presenting

Second Draft Review

Post a link to your project to Teams by 9am EDT, Friday, July 19 and include 2-3 elements of the project you would specifically like feedback on.

Lunch Discussion #3

Post a link to the reading and your conversation starter in the Teams document by 5pm EDT Wednesday, July 17.

Monday, July 15

9:15am–9:45am EDT: Monday Check-In

10am–Noon EDT: Workshop: Planning Your Final Presentation

This workshop will help you plan for your final presentation, including PowerPoint creation, demoing a live website, and structuring your talk.

Before the workshop:

  • Nothing!

Tuesday, July 16

3:30pm-4:30pm: Presentation to Library Dean

Thursday, July 18

Noon-1pm: Lunch discussion #2

Each member of the DHF cohort will pick a reading and provide a conversation starter to begin the conversation.

Friday, July 19

9:15–9:45am: Weekly Updates and Planning

10am–Noon: Workshop: Worst Presentation Ever! Or, How to Talk About Your Research

Many times you will only have a few minutes to discuss your project, which is why elevator speeches are important. However, if you’re presenting at a conference or other talk where you have an extended amount of time to discuss your research (like at the end of this summer!), you need to plan out a presentation. Today, we will discuss some best practices for creating a longer presentation, and practice giving a short talk.

Before the Workshop
