Week 6: Interactivity

Project Draft

Post a link to your project to Teams by 9am EDT, Monday, July 15 and include 2-3 elements of the project you would specifically like feedback on.

Lunch Discussion #2

Post a link to the reading and your conversation starter in the Teams document by 5pm EDT Wednesday, July 10.

Monday, July 8

7:30am-5pm: Trip to Bucknell

Today we will travel to Bucknell University to meet with their Digital Scholarship Summer Research Fellows. Meet by the greenhouse in Constitution Lot at 7:30am.

Tuesday, July 9

10am-11am EDT: Check-in and Bucknell debrief

Wednesday, July 10

Noon-1pm: Lunch discussion #1

Each member of the DHF cohort will pick a reading and provide a conversation starter to begin the conversation.

Thursday, July 11

10am-11:30am: DTSF Presentations (Penn Hall Lyceum)

We will go out to cheer on the DTSFs! Meet at the Penn Hall Lyceum (3rd floor) at 9:55am.

Friday, July 12

9:15am–9:45am EDT: Weekly Updates and Planning

10am–Noon EDT: Project Feedback, UX, and Review

Informal project presentations to our cohort! Come prepared to walk us through your project.  Be prepared to answer questions and hear constructive criticism about your work, as well as give honest, constructive criticism about the work of your peers.

Before the workshop:

  • Review the Usability Evaluation Basics page from usability.gov for a brief description of common types of usability testing methods.
  • The Yale University Usability & Web Accessibility site is a great resource for developing user-friendly and accessible web sites.  For today’s purposes, just review the section on Usability Best Practices.
  • Finally, choose 2-3 myths from the website UXMyths to explore.
    • Consider how you connected with the “myths” – either as a designer of a site (did any of these make you re-think a design choice, or confirm what you are already implementing?) or as a web user (did you immediately think of an experience or site where the myth rang true?). 