Week 4: Collaboration

Mid-Point Survey

Please complete the survey by 5pm EDT, Monday, June 24 (link provided in Teams).

Reflective Post #2

Post by 9am EDT, Monday, July 1

For this reflective post, we want you to review a digital project that someone else has created. When you review your digital project, use the following criteria derived from Quinn Warnick and Reviews in DH.

  • Provide a citation for the project, using the project’s name and authors.
  • Provide a brief summary of the project, its purpose, and audience.
  • Assess the project’s claims and evidence. What research questions are asked/answered? Are they grounded in a humanistic discipline (language, art, religion, philosophy, etc.)?
  • Assess the technology used for the project and its effectiveness. What digital tools are used? What can you learn from this that you couldn’t from a traditional research paper?
  • What interesting, outstanding, or problematic issues does the project have, if any?

Reviews will not have:

  • Ad hominem arguments
  • Excessive detail or quotation
  • Attacks of any kind, including not being the project the reviewer would have developed

You may review any project you wish. Suggested projects can be found at:

Monday, June 24

9:15am–9:45am EDT: Weekly check-In

10am-12pm EDT: Writing for the Web and AI

Before the workshop:

  • We need your bios for this website! Bring about 150-300 words about your academic interests, what led you to this fellowship/what intrigues you about DH, and your future career goals. Don’t worry to much about refining or editing right now—we’ll do that during the workshop.

During the workshop:

Wednesday, June 26

10am–11am EDT: Mid-Fellowship Check-In Conversation

Today we will review your responses to the mid-point survey and make any necessary adjustments to the schedule going forward.

Friday, June 28

9:15am–9:45am EDT: Weekly updates and planning

10:30am-11:30am EDT: Microproject Presentation (Library staff only)

The DHFs will present their work on their collaborative microproject based on the materials in the Richard C. Ryder Stereograph Collection in Special Collections and College Archives.

Noon-1pm EDT: Micro-project/Midpoint celebratory lunch!
