Week 3: Content Management


Post your wireframes by 9am EDT, Friday, June 21. Use the Wireframes category. These can be photos of paper wireframes you have taken, images using programs designed for wireframing (such as Gloomaps), or a PowerPoint, PDF, or other document. Briefly describe your wireframes as well. You should include structural and design elements in your wireframes.

Monday, June 17

9:15–9:45am EDT: Monday Check-In

10am–Noon EDT: Workshop: WordPress (OPEN)

WordPress powers about 1/3 of the world’s websites, and it can be a useful tool to create a digital project as well. Today, we’ll walk through how to get started with WordPress and how you can use it to build a website.

Before the workshop:

Tuesday, June 18

10am–Noon EDT: Workshop: ArcGIS Story Maps (OPEN)

WordPress is a good way to build a standard website. But what if you want to build something more narrative-driven, where your users are taken through a story (and maybe even have some maps)? ArcGIS Story Maps is a great tool to build highly interactive and visual websites that are designed with a narrative-first approach.

Before the workshop:

  • Make sure you can login to ArcGIS Story Maps using the invitation email sent to you (if you are not in the fellowship, email rmiessle@gettysburg.edu for a login prior to the workshop)
  • Read How to make an awful ArcGIS Story Map
  • Find a Story Map from the 2023 favorites or 2022 favorites and paste a link to it in this document.
    • What is the main idea of the Story Map?
    • How “mappy” is it – does it incorporate maps or is it more focused on a narrative without them?
    • Does the story fit this format of website building, or would it be more effective in a more “standard” website, and why?

Friday, June 21

9:15–9:45am EDT: Weekly Updates and Planning

10am-11:30am EDT: Data Visualization/Digital Tool Exploration

Today, instead of us teaching you something, you teach us something! Work together to explore a digital tool that you are using, or could potentially use, as part of your microproject data visualization and talk to us about it. Recommendations of tools to explore:

You don’t necessarily need to use this tool as part of your microproject, nor do you have to demonstrate every possible aspect of the tool. The objective of this demonstration is to show us how you go about learning a new tool, selecting data to use with it, and visualize that data it. It might be a great success, or it might not work! Just be prepared to tell us what you learned. If you decide to use it as part of your microproject, then bonus!

When talking about the tool to us, use the Criteria for Digital Tool Evaluation to discuss the tool itself.
