
Project Persona

Part 1: 

  1. Name: Alex Scrollman;
  2. Age: Early 20s; 
  3. Location: Unspecified major Urban Sprawl 
  4. Education: College Education;
  5. Occupation: College Student
  6. Family Status: Single;
  7. Income: Biweekly paycheck of 120 dollars
  8. Hobbies: Model UN, Debate, College Newspaper;
  9. Tech Experience: Chronic Scroller;

Part 2:

This user is primarily interested in general world politics, more specifically trying to expand their knowledge of African politics. They need to be able to concisely understand very complicated processes in order to keep up with current affairs. This user’s main priority is efficiency, they want to update themselves on the most important events quickly. Furthermore, acknowledging that politics is very complex, they value transparency of sources to make sure that the information displayed is accurate. They mainly use their phone, so the UX Design must be phone-friendly. They are fairly experienced with technology, being a heavy social media user, being more used to scrolling rather than clicking. 

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