
Stokes Wireframes

Website Breakdown

On the Home page I hope to have a mini-breakdown of the project including my definition of protest music that will be used for the basis of the site. This will then link to the different sections About, Timelines, Music, and Data. The About section is broken down to the About Project, About the Fellowship, About Me, and Sources. Within these sections, it will link to the next About, but also to Timelines. The Timelines section will be broken down by decade and the event breakdown connected with the songs. These pages will link to the Artist and Song Selection page. In the Music section, the pages will be Reasoning and Artist and Song Selection. Both pages will link to all three of the Data pages. The Data section pages will be Breakdown, Graph, and Analysis. Each page will link to both of the others.

Page Breakdowns

Artist and Song Selection and Data Breakdown pages will be comprised of graphs, either Excel or Flourish embeds. The Home and About pages will mainly be text and image based. Sources will be text based. The Timelines and Event Breakdown pages will include a TimelineJS embed and hopefully a scroller with the individual events. The Graph pages will be mainly graph embeds with some text. Analysis will most likely be a combo of a lot of different media.




