Project Charter

Project Charter

Project Name: In the Press: The Power and Struggle of LGBT+ People in Central Pennsylvania

Project Owner: Katie Lauriello

Project Summary

The experience of an LGBT+ person living in rural America is vastly different from those in urban populations, given the small population size and differing attitudes arising from such an environment. This project will document the struggles and accomplishments of those LGBT+ people within the local community beyond major cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh within Pennsylvania. I will examine local newspaper archives with the support from national papers and local LGBT+ papers of the time to document the struggles LGBT+ people faced as well as moments of pride, focusing especially on the first pride events in key areas, legal cases and policies changing the landscape for LGBT+ rights, and a survey of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Such topics will be placed on a digital timeline and map in an easy-to-use format for users who may not have the time or patience to search for individual events. A more in-depth analysis of such coverage will also be provided, as well as a small guide to LGBT+ newsletters published in Central Pennsylvania.


  • Persona
  • Digital assets
    • Scanned newspaper clippings (headlines)
    • Images for pages
  • Wireframe
  • Tools
    • TimelineJS
    • StoryMapsJS
    • Flourish
    • Microsoft Excel
    • WordPress
  • Visualization
    • Event timeline
    • Location maps
      • Newspapers (50-70 words)
      • Events (50-70 words)
  • Digital Tools
    • TimelineJS
    • StorymapsJS
    • Flourish
    • WordPress
  • Event coverage pages (500-750 words)
    • Exception: HIV/AIDS Crisis (1200 words max)
  • Home page
  • About section
    • About the project
    • About me
    • About my tools
  • Sources
  • First draft
  • Second draft
  • Final project


  • Week 2
    • Personas (6/14)
    • Source List/Database
  • Week 3
    • Visit Dickinson (6/20)
    • Wireframe (6/21)
    • Newspaper/Newsletter Summaries
    • 5 event coverages/analysis
  • Week 4
    • 5 event coverages/analysis
    • Completed timeline
    • Completed map
  • Week 5
    • Visualization (7/8)
    • 10 event coverages/analysis
    • Total source analysis
    • About page content
  • Week 6
    • Total source analysis
    • Home page
    • First project draft (7/15)
  • Week 7
    • Second project draft (7/19)
  • Week 8
    • Final Presentation (7/26)

End of Life/Future Plans

Much of this project is centered around specific legal cases and Pride events, but there are many other people who have their own stories to tell that have not been covered. This project could be extended beyond the broader struggles to individual ones, incorporating a broader perspective through a local newspaper’s coverage of that person and support from their own oral history. If such a characteristic were to be implemented, then visitors can also submit their own collection of stories to the project, expanding it even further.

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